Deploy changes

What are task deployment?

Shypyard has a concept of "development" version and "deployed" version.

The benefit of separating environment is so you can freely make changes to your task without interfering with the task already running and processing real events. Each deploy will also come with a version number, allowing you to track changes over time and debug issues.

The following changes are take place on the "development" version.

  • Task code changes

  • Update on task triggers

  • Update on task options

  • Update on task environment variables

On the other hand, these changes are reflected immediately on the running deployed code

  • Update on NPM dependencies

  • Update on app Integrations

  • Update on app environment variables

How to deploy changes

When you have updated the task, you will see a red Deploy button on the task editor panel.

Next you will see a pop-up that shows what exactly have changed from the last deploy. Here you can clearly see code changes in a side-by-side view and you can take this chance to review your code changes to avoid mistakes. You can also provide a quick note describing the changes for this deploy.

Click Deploy, then deploy will be finished in 2-4 seconds.

Can I see code from previous deploy?

Yes, in the deploy view you can click on See Code.

Last updated

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